Websites aren’t just back - they’re BACK.

WHoo! Hello there, again! After 11 years!
Right? What website actually survives with 11 years of non-attention? Anything built in ExpressionEngine, that's what. (Craft CMS people - girl, you know it's true.)
This website went through a long absence of my care, while posting became more meaningful and further reaching on other platforms. Now, much of what was enjoyable about those experiences (friendliness, true stories, good news, actual posts by people I want to follow) has gone or is promising to go, to be replaced by AI and whatever else they come up with. The thing about bad technology is that it stops being used. Suddenly, what an advantage it is, it seems, to still have a physical website set up, with software updates available for safety - and the ability to fire up an entire Art archive within it. Two blogs, two!! One about cerebral thoughts and the other about the what-the-hells. Wow. Yep. Yesterday, this website was upgraded from ExpressionEngine 2.5 in just a day, with add-ons. And there still are no billionaires in charge, here. Also, No Artificial Intelligence. Everything here is organic intelligence or stupidity - whatever you fancy.
Because it's so old, this website is best viewed on a computer, for now. It's a time capsule of old code, in case you want to know where I was when I stopped posting - soon to be replaced with some improvements.
The advent and deep implementation of AI in the world around us is only a fraction of what people are making it out to be. Right now, what AI is doing, is changing the quality and the way information is disseminated through our streams of demand. That's it. Everyone is trying to use it to do less work and it only seems to be costing money and time, in the short term. It doesn't come with a users' manual, and it's not a proper cover for nefarious or improper intentions - like replacing humans at jobs, specifically. Employers are still trying to do this, but it's not survivable. Nobody wins by being the best at mediocrity; at delivering what everyone can get without you.
And then there's me, discovering that the more work I do, the happier I seem to be. Even around the house, etc. Here, right now. What an absolute thrill it is to write in the context of my art website again. And to have you read it. I see you! Not really.
So look, not only are websites, in general, back - but this website about my art is definitely back. And - AND! My art career which has been just as sleepy - came out to play recently; and it brought the good toys. In the fall of 2024 I applied for a Rail Trail Artist Residency through the City of Albuquerque, NM where I live, and was chosen to participate in this paid, competitive experience. The opportunity involved paid Internet of Things training (Hardware Design, Internet of Things coding) through Central New Mexico Community College; bootcamp-style 8-5 in-person, daily. I surrendered to a daily "grind" and commute while opening myself up to a fascinating topic that provided so many answers to curiosities I have been carrying around far too long. What is Binary? I know that. Hexidecimal? Yep. How computers work? At least I know it's not magic, now.
About 3-4 weeks into my training - stripping wires, wiring micorcontrollers, sensors, buttons, screens and other components, I went to the Lowe's Hardware store in my neighborhood. It was October so the earliest holiday stuff was there. I bought nothing, but walked through the aisles in a parallel universe at once - with both the side of me that knew how everything worked - and the old me, not quite scrubbed out yet, recognizing the magic electric holiday stuff in the store I was used to seeing. From this dual perspective, however, I had this see-saw experience seeing each of these objects that were, at the same time, completely magical, and not at all magic - charming engineering. The remote control at my house- for my TV- just the basic keypad / infrared thingie connected by some batteries and a controller. And plastic. Plastic and wires. Plastic, wires, and ideas.
Not only are websites back, but I'm still in websites, and I'm excited by what I can do with websites, again. Now that i can connect my physical art to the internet, the weight and importance of sturdy, supporting web technology and the surge back to independent internet representation means that my knowledge and practice is not only vital, it's exceptionally precious. it's time to do work here again. Thanks for reading.